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This article is an aid for the beginner bass player, wanting to learn the notes of the bass. If you want bass, you have to play the names of seven notes and their known positions on the keyboard below. Once you know where are the notes will automatically know where the crosses and apartments. Bass Play is a simple technique from a technical point of view to learn. Because for the low, do not need to learn chords. At least notbeginning. As you learn the notes on the keyboard you can begin immediately aware of the parties down on some of your favorite songs from tabs. The great task ahead of you is always the possibility of your home as part of the group being made on the notes early learning, learning so you do not think so, to take time and practice.
Here are the notes as they appear on the lowerKeyboard:
G | G #---|--- --- A --- | --- A #---|--- B --- | --- C --- | --- C # -- - - | --- F --- | --- D #---|--- E --- | --- F --- |
D | --- D #---|--- E --- | --- F --- | --- F #--|--- G --- | --- G # -- - | - - A --- | --- A #---|--- B ---- | --- --- C |
A | A #---|--- B --- --- | --- C --- | --- C #--|--- D --- | --- D # -- - | - - E --- | --- F ---- | --- F --- G #---|--- |
| E --- F ---- | --- F --- G #--|--- | #--|--- G --- A --- | --- A # -- - | - - B --- | --- C ---- | --- C --- D #---|--- |
You'll notice that I wrote the powerful symbol (#) on the diagram of the keyboard bass. Probablyalready know that he is a man of another man, after a strong housing, that the song is essential, for example, could also be called in F #, Gb (G flat) because it has both the knowledge of F and the note below G. Easy to understand but complicated to explain.
Normally, learning to play bass begin using the E and A strings, the bass line of some simple songs. You can start simply memorize where the notes, but helps himself the task of learning a song ortwo. Your memory always appreciates some help from your body and your feelings, so try to learn some songs will help you to the notes under the skin. You will notice that I only gave the first ten keys. You will see that this is one octave on each string. Once you have memorized the notes on the keys, the notes remaining far easier to learn.
If you look at the graph of the keyboard, you will see that the note is the fifth key on the E string (A)pointing to the next open string, so if you play until the fifth button, you can continue playing at the neck, or you can start the game, the clues for the next string. If you have already learned to play guitar is not a surprise for you. Now I will explain the basics, when you turn your head a bit ', simply return to the simplicity of what one learns to walk, four strings, four octaves with seven notes . That's it. Good luck.
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