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When you learn guitar by ear, it is useful to use the playback
easy to remember concepts that help relate the new material
to do what we already know, this is connected, such as learning.
Our system is based on the diatonic musical western European
System, the effect of this system of music not unlike the effect of
"A" chord is like our 'musical sun', just as the sun is a
strong magnetic effect on other planets of the Solar SystemSystem
Rope''one of our music has a magnetic effect on the
Agreements, which means that any agreement in a particular key will return
'At home' 'a' rope.
This musical approach will help us to focus accurately predict what
Chord changes in a piece of music, and is the process of
Playing with the ear of a very simple task.
Our solar system's Music:
From our previous studies, we have "an agreement" place
first and last bars of a song.Returning to our music
Solar-system approach, if we think that our 'one' agreement, as
musical sun, the closest agreement in our music would SO
The "five" chord.
In other words, the tendon that has the greatest desire to return
At home it is the proximity to the sun music, the 'five'
Visually, think of the "five" chord that the planet Mercury
orbit the sun.
Two-chord songs:
Now we are on this new musicalSituations
that improve our ability to understand how the musicians play
by ear, without written (visual) information.
Two songs chord reference table:
Key Of C - Chord 1 = C | Chord 5 = G
Key of C # - Chord 1 = C # | Chord 5 = G #
Key Db - Chord 1 = Db | Chord 5 = Ab
Key Of D - Chord 1 = D | Chord 5 = A
Key of D # - Chord 1 = F # | Chord 5 = A #
Key EB - Chord 1 = Eb | Chord 5 = Bb
Key of E - Chord 1 = E| Chord 5 = B
Key of F - Chord 1 = F | Chord 5 = C
Key of F# - Chord 1 = F# | Chord 5 = C#
Key of G - Chord 1 = G | Chord 5 = D
Key of G# - Chord 1 = G# | Chord 5 = D#
Key of Ab - Chord 1 = Ab | Chord 5 = Eb
Key of A - Chord 1 = A | Chord 5 = E
Key of A# - Chord 1 = A# | Chord 5 = E#
Key of Bb - Chord 1 = Bb | Chord 5 = F
Key of B - Chord 1 = B | Chord 5 = F#
Here is a typical eight bar, two chord song Model in the main
from 'C'.
| C / / / | C / / / | G / / / | G / / / |
| C / / / | C / / / | G / / / | C / / / |
Get set, this progression of the paper and head, which play
Progression over and over again until you!
This progression is the basis for all your ear training, knowing how this progression sounds and feels supercharger is its ability to play guitar by ear.